Friday, April 10, 2015


The period between the 9th – 14thcenturies marks a high point in the history of temple architecture in the central India which was ruled the Chandelles.
The word “Khajuraho” with means “carrier of the date Palms” was ruled under the Chandelles ruler of Central India. They built  85 temples out of which only 25 survive till today. The temples at Khajuraho are dedicated to Siva, Vishnu and Jain sects.
The Lakshmana temple was built by Yasovarma in 950 A.D.The evidence of ruins of chausta yogini temple . The Lakshmana temple is vaishanava shrine which has its main deity as Vaikuntha who has three faces and a mixture of Vishnu, varah and narishma. An inscription of 954 suggest that the temple Ardhamandapa was erected under Yasovarma and it consecration under his son Dhangdeva. It was the first Nagara style temple in India.
The origin of the Chandelles has been traced down to tribal of Gond and Bhars, the chandelles worshiped Maniyagah who is also the deity of the Bhars. The sources provided to us is inspiration inscribed on the temple.Inscription equates the kings with god and epic hero like Arjuna, Rama, and Yudhishtri. It was reveals that there was a dependency on the brahaman and the kings made grants and buildstanks .temple and did charitable works. The inscription suggest that the time of the temple was being erected the chandelle were feudatories of the Partihara of Kannuj. The temple is dedicated to Vaikuntha which was borrowed from Partihara king Devepala. The temple symbolizes victory of Yasovarma which is equating to the god Vishnu calls himself the enemy of Madhu.

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